Friday, November 24, 2017

The Demon

This was a pretty disturbing dream.  So disturbing I may leave out some of the more graphic details.  I was visiting my Mom and step-dad in Louisiana (a common part of my dreams).  We were sharing a room.  The first night I was there I felt a presence.  The second night, my sister left the room, refusing to come back.  When I woke in the morning I was thinking about having to pack to go back home.  I then looked around the room and realized something had ripped up the walls and shreds of it were all over the place.  I called for my Mom and sister and told them to just look from the door and not to go into the room.  I knew there was something evil.  I went into the room and knew I would be safe, hopefully!  I saw the demon in a corner.  He resembled a demon at first, reddish black, hideously ugly.  He wasn't going to possess me, but use me as a tool to accomplish some task.  I don't remember all the details, but at one point I remember the demon went with me to a store, or diner or something like that.  He kept wanting to attack people but I would tell him not to. I would tell him that if he did, I would no longer help him and he would just have to kill me.  There was one particular part where he found this woman who he had raped before and did it again before I could stop him.  Except his whole body went up inside her.  I won't put in any more detail to this one.  We were looking at a map and he was showing me that we were going to drive back to my house in NY.  I was thinking of flying back but then knew in my dream that the plane would crash (common dream element).  Suddenly we switched to a scene where we were riding this type of watercraft in the ocean, there were a couple other people with us.  For some reason, this was a fun element.  We were riding over the waves and having a great time.  At the end of the dream, the demon had sexually assaulted a little boy.  I was so disgusted and angry with him, that I knew that this couldn't go on anymore.  The dream ended with paramedics and police showing up to take care of the boy and catch the demon.  
In this dream, I knew that if I didn't go along with the demon, he would hurt/kill me or someone else.  
In real life this was what happened when I lived with my daughter's father.  He would use threats and abuse to control me.  He was the demon.  

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