Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lost in a small town

This is another typical reoccurring theme, except it was a bit different.  I was borrowing someone's car, a rather nice one, to go to the grocery store in an unfamiliar town.  
I went to an old Grand Union store (these aren't around anymore).  When I got in there I was making sure I had money or my bank card and my purse was stuffed with money, but it was all clearly fake.  I couldn't find my bank cards either.  Next thing I knew, I was out in the parking lot with a grocery cart full of expensive meat.  I was freaked out because I never remembered getting the meat or even paying for it!  I went back into the store and went to the meat counter and tried to find similar packages so I could put them back.  None of the labels matched up.  I finally went to a store clerk and they told me that it wasn't from their store, it was probably from an expensive butcher shop in town.  So I ended up leaving to try and find this other store on foot.  I was again searching through my purse, not finding anything except papers and fake money.  The neighborhood I was walking in was a real slum.  Broken down buildings and bricks piles laying all around.  I was trying to find the car.  I scoured the store parking lot but it wasn't there.  I was pushing the button on the key fob to make the horn beep and I could hear something far off in the distance.  I was going around and around this town trying to find the car.  I finally found it at a garage and it had turned into this crappy, little beat up car.  A nice lady approached me and was trying to help me.  She had a cell phone but the only two numbers I could remember were for people who couldn't really help me.  I was particularly wanting to call the car owner for help.  I woke up at this time.  

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